Tuesday, 24 April 2012

The Second Check-Point

Running...it seems I never stop doing that one simple thing. Honestly, you would think that someone like me would have stayed put, finally in the perfect spot, no longer alone.

Strangely enough, being alone was all I wanted.

As I hit the strip, where my story started, I finally slowed my pace. The rain poured down, soaking me to the bone and I sat and watched all the happy couples, arms linked and so close to each other they could have been one person. I wondered absentmindedly if they knew that their world wasn't truly theirs to control. That there are monsters that go bump in the night like your parents told you in stories, and they are 100% real. No one really cares to notice that shadow in the corner of their eye however.

I tried to clear my head, hoping that the bright lights of the strip would clear away the darkness that was locked in my mind. The negativity that if I let spread would swallow me whole once again and plunge me back into that world of despair that I had no interest in revisiting. I wiped the rain off my face, for the first time feeling the chill that penetrated my being, bringing me back to the realization that what ever I had seen, where ever I had been, the true me was locked away somewhere I didn't really want to bring myself back to.

The real me would always be the street child, avoiding the officers that were looking for me to bring me back to another home. Always starving by myself, doing anything to scrounge up the few dollars to get something that wasn't in the trashcans for a meal. The kid who fought his hardest against his unfortunate circumstances to get where he was now. I was a survivor, nothing more, nothing less. So in this tricky situation, where once again my life hung in the balance, I decided that I would do anything.

Anything to Survive.

Anything to Push Forward

Anything to Live

I spun, turning my back on the happiness and brightness of the road of deep sin and greed, the symbol of my past, and walked back towards my apartment. I had a feeling that I would be coming back many times to think and put everything that I learned about myself and this new world order into perspective. I wouldn't let this stop my life, I wouldn't give in...would I?

Every step closer to my dorm room I doubted myself , doubted my choices, but once I picked a path I could not stray. If I had to fight, I would fight. If I had to run, I would run, and if I had to stay put? Well I would take my normal spot among society and wait for my turn to have my battle with the monsters of the shadows and the night. I knew for certain however that this was my fight alone, that if I involved anyone else they would suffer for my follies, and I would suffer for theirs...at least at first those were my thoughts. As you know things change over time, and I am no exception to that rule.

As I got back to my room I knew that something was wrong. The door was partially open, and the light of my computer shone from inside. First of all, I would have never left my room open, even in total fear. Second, the computer would have normally been gone...you come to expect that if you leave your room unlocked and unattended. Carefully I let my hand fall on the doorknob, taking a deep breath and forcing the door open.

What I found was nothing but a torn apart room, my clothes thrown around, everything all over the floor. Drawers flung open, things on shelves knocked over. A grotesque photo was opened on my computer, and I cringed quickly closing the page. My jaw fell open as I noticed something reflected in the screen of my monitor. I quickly turned, taking in the giant red words on the wall, glaring at me. I knew this was a warning.


Sunday, 22 April 2012

The First Check-Point

Have you ever felt like you were dreaming, even though you were wide awake?

Things can't be real, but in the back of your head the mantra repeats it's self. "This is real. This is real. This is real."

There is nothing you can do to change what you are seeing, nothing will bring you back to the times that were so calm and predictable, for you already know. What has been seen, can not be unseen.

As I said, this all started with a harmless link. I sat in my room, darkened except for the light of my lamp. The click of my mouse and the tapping of keys was deafening in the silence of the night, but I was absorbed. It was impossible to turn away from. Next thing I knew it was almost dawn, and the studying I was supposed to do had been untouched. So much for the test I was supposed to have. There was something strange about this lore that my friend had sent me...it seemed to me this was far more than just the stories my friends laughed at as hoaxes. It must be real, at least that is what my sleep deprived brain was yelling at me. I decided to ignore it's warning and get some rest.

Class went decently enough, the test not as hard as I believed it to be. I spent the day out, laughing, partying, trying anything to get the topic out of my head. It seemed to be a small itch, always present, begging me to read and become a part of the larger story. Eventually I returned, the pull to hard to escape, my own curiosity a twisted and warped creature wishing to pull me deeper into the new found source of despair.

I clicked the link again, ready to delve back into what I now know is his own personal playground. The list where he can choose his unsuspecting victims from and draw them into his maze like realms, ready to strike them down once their usefulness has expired. I clicked, ready, willing to once again take the plunge....and there was nothing. Nothing at all. The information was gone, deleted and finished. It was too much. The laugh I let out scared me, chilling me to the very core. What was I becoming?

I noticed movement outside my window, and caught the sight of someone in a hoodie. Had they been watching? Did they know? Was it one of his followers who had been sent to see if I would once again take his bait and draw myself into his world? I didn't know...I didn't really care as the fear bloomed in my chest. At this point, there was only one thing I could do, one thing that would make sense to my fear hazed brain.

I ran

Friday, 20 April 2012

The Starting Line

We begin this in the place of my birth. The place where I had lived my entire life up until the point I realized that it was no longer safe. Nor was any other for that matter.

I had lived in Las Vegas since the day my mother gave her life to bring me into this world. My father worked extra hard to support us on a card dealer's salary. Very often I was left by myself, something not safe for a child of my age, but hell if we had enough money for a baby sitter. I learned I was the only one who could take care of myself, and not to rely on others from such a young age, never opening my heart to anyone for the longest time. We got along just fine dad and me. I learned to stay out of his way when he had been drinking, and he learned that my existence was an obstacle on his path to a happier life. He went away 25 to life for attempted murder.

On my own finally. Not really having to rely on anybody. The state wasn't a great care taker, with too many kids and not enough money to feed all the hungry mouths. I can't say I wasn't partially hoping for this, the opportunity to make my own way, find my own food and shelter seeing as foster families don't want teenage boys hanging around. Time slipped away on the strip as the rain poured over my head and I watched the happy tourists, finding their joy in sin, scandalous behaviours, and prospect of big money right around the corner. I could see the true faces under those masks of the innocents, full of greed and devilish charms. How cruel and kind god could be all within the same block.

I grew, becoming old enough to get a job, and I put myself through school. I refused to be like my father, unable to support whom so ever came into my life, if that could even happen for a person who closed off their heart to everyone. I slowly made friends in school...and that is where this all started.

A simple link.

Innocent enough until clicked, and then I was pulled into his world. The nightmares started soon after but I brushed it off. No way this would happen to me, I'd gone through enough in my life that god couldn't possibly wish this upon me. At the time, perhaps I was right about God having nothing to do with this, and a tough life is my fate. In any case I went about my daily life, going to my classes and meeting my life, trying to be as normal as possible during the day while at night my dreams were haunted by the paranormal. Fiction created by others to simply become nightmare fuel for the poor suckers like me. I tired to keep a normal life...but honestly, how long could that last?

Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Beginning

To whom so ever this reaches,

I am sorry to those that are still human. My fight seems to have failed and I am running through the shadows that used to be our grand cities. Forgive me if you can find it in your heart, but I hold very little hope that you are still like me. I am a fool for believing that he can't find me...I know very well that he lets me run to see my failures in the true light, untouched by my previously skewed visions of grandeur. When will I join his legions? When will I lose myself to his wills? That I don't know...but I at least have enough time to warn you.

He is coming. If you found this blog I think that you already know who he is, and right now...I am afraid to say his name should he use his path of the damned to find me, though now I am not really a threat. Now that I think about it...I never really was. That's not my point. In any case, he is coming. Not just for the runners or for the people who know of his existence, but for the normal folk, who live their life blissfully unawares. Soon no one will be safe from his clutches. None will escape his spider like hold and octopus like tentacles. We will all see his featureless face and hear the demon like scream in our dreams, and that is just the beginning.

This territory has never been crossed before, and who even knows if there is even a way out. Please be careful, don't trust anyone. They could be one of his messengers of death and destruction. Tread on the safest path my friends...and may your life end in the least painful way possible.

Your ever watching friend